About 'biotin liquid'|100% Pure Liquid Egg Whites
Good health requires good nutrition; sometimes, it's hard to get the right amount of all the nutrients, minerals and vitamins required. Happily, supplements are available to remedy the deficiency. Here's a guide to balancing nutrition with supplements. As with any food product, it's important to read all nutrition information. Some companies add unhealthy ingredients like sucrose, dextrose, artificial colors and chemicals. Here is a profile of important nutrients. Vitamin C: This is supplement wards off infection and boosts immunity. It's hard to get enough vitamin C from food. A good C supplement should provide 500-1000 mgs per day when you are healthy. When you're sick, up the dose to 3,000-5,000 mgs per day. Any excess you take is flushed from the body in waste. The Alacer company makes a product called "Emergen-C." This flavored powder dissolves in water and gets into the bloodstream more quickly than a tablet. Kids need plenty of C to cope with all the germs they encounter in school. As an antioxidant, Vitamin C helps the body release harmful chemicals. Vitamin B: B is a natural antidepressant. It helps with healthy brain and emotional functioning. Vitamin B helps the body repair itself. B is another supplement that's hard to get enough of through diet. Supplements labeled B-50 or B-100 provide 50 to 100 mgs of each of the B vitamins (niacin, riboflavin, biotin) which is the beneficial amount. B-complex only contains the recommended amount and isn't enough to help me. Note: vitamin B will turn urine neon-yellow. l. Acidophilus or l. bifidus - These are good bacterium that maintain digestive health. Antibiotics kill all bacteria, good and bad. Acidophilus replenishes the good stuff and helps heal yeast and fungal infections. It can be found in yogurt, kefir and as supplement. The 'l' stands for lactose, as it is found in milk sugars. There are lactose-free varieties for those who can't have dairy. Iron: For blood and circulatory health, iron is the magic. It's available as ferrous sulfate (iron in salt) or ferrous glutamate (iron in sugar). Lack of iron means fatigue, weakness and frequent illness. Girls and women need extra. Iron has a weird aftertaste and make stools darker. Fiber - Fiber's great for digestive health and as a system cleanse. It's not good to take as a supplement because it generally has additives and can cause dependency. Good natural fiber comes from beans, raisins, prunes, citrus fruit, psyllum husks, flax seed, squash and sweet potatoes, bran cereals and oat bran, as well as green leafy vegetables. Look for higher levels of soluble fiber; that's the better fiber. Calcium - This mineral is important for bone health. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, field greens and bok choy contain calcium. Women often need a calcium boost. Flax seed oil - This is an omega-3 fatty acid that's vital heart, circulation and general system maintenance, especially in women. It is works well with fish oil , borage and evening primrose oil. Almonds, salmon and tuna are good sources, but a supplement is typically necessary. Essential amino acids- These include L-lysine, glucosamine and lycopene among others. I use Bragg's liquid amino which tastes like soy sauce, but is healthy and balances the body's acids. Glucosamine chondroitin should be taken as a supplement, especially for those with muscle aches. Folic acid- This is crucial for brain development and especially necessary during early pregnancy. Zinc - This mineral fights off illness and infection. It can be obtained from lozenges like Cold-Eze in combination with Vitamin C. It's best to eat whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, almonds, peanut butter and beans, and avoid processed foods and artificial additives. Then use supplements to get what's missing. |
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